
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An Affordable Visit to Panama

   The first thing to contemplate about moving to Panama is to schedule a visit. I know the first things that comes to mind is how to protect your finances, health, and your safety.  This will be the purpose of this post.
   One of the best things about choosing Panama for a trip is the low cost of getting to Panama.  As an example, one person can fly round trip from Fort Lauderdale to Panama City for about $200.00.  Now that's cheap for international travel! Of course at that price your not going to get many frills.  Actually, you will need to book select dates through Spirit Airlines, you can do this through Spirit Airlines website. The downside of this route is you will pay extra for bags, luggage will need to be under forty pounds, the seats seem a little closer than normal, unless you splurge and purchase the larger front seats for about fifty dollars extra each way.  Anything you want to eat or drink will be charged, including water.  The flights into Panama City leave Fort Lauderdale at about 11:30 p.m. and land at about 2:00 a.m. Going back to Fort Lauderdale you will leave about 3:00 a.m. and arrive in Florida at about 5:00, which can be advantageous for catching a connecting flight.  All said and done Spirit Airlines will get you there for, normally, less than half the cost of almost any other airline.
   Once in Panama you will either want to get a hotel and catch up on sleep or begin your travel to whatever part of Panama you have your sights set on.  Now at three a.m., first of all you are quite safe at Tucomen airport, and you can get a taxi to a downtown hotel for about $25. That may sound high until you see how far a distance it is to get downtown.  It's a good 20 minute ride even at that hour, easily. For the sake of simplicity I will take you to the hotel I prefer and the safest, most affordable way out of Panama City. In the near future we can discuss the sights and safety of being in Panama City.
   Before leaving for Panama City the best thing to do is to book a room at Costa Inn. You can contact me
View From the rooftop of Costa Inn.
for the phone number and best way to do that or you can search the internet to get their contact information.  A room will cost about $66 or as high as $77.  I know that sounds high, 'this is Panama we are talking about right?'  Right, however, Panama City Hotels are as or more expensive than New York City hotels.  Costa Inn is actually a good value, air conditioned rooms, and free breakfast.  Not only this but a big deal is, they will pick you up at the airport for that price and take you to Albrook for a bus or plane onto your final destination.  You will save an easy $50.00 for that benefit alone, throw in breakfast and it's like staying in the room for free.
    Today's post can get you from Florida to Panama City in a very cost effective and safe manner.  If your like me your going to want more details on specifics, like how to get through customs at the airport, or where
do I get my luggage and meet a taxi?  Please contact me. You may be the type of person who will take this much information and work out the details yourself.  Either way I hope you find this post informative. 'Till next time.


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